10 Best Buys

When you are buying a home, having current and accurate knowledge of what area homes are listed for is important. Our best buy service enables you to get priority access to the hottest new listings so you can beat out other buyers and negotiate to get the most home for the least amount of money.

Here’s how it works. Every evening our computerized system searches through all the properties listed in the past 24 hours, from every real estate company. We review each and every one of these listings in order to find the best real estate buys in the community. From this, we print out a "hotlist" which we provide as a public service, free of charge, and without obligation. You then receive your free computerized list of the "10 best buys" in your specific price range and desired location.

The 10 Best Buys "hotlist" service will help you identify the "ten-best-buys" on the market right now that match YOUR requirements. Remember, this is a FREE community service that will save you time and the hassle of searching for properties like these.

To receive a FREE computerized list of the "10 Best Buys" that match your criteria, simply fill out the form below and click on the SUBMIT button.


Dear Sharon Male:

"We would like to express our appreciation for the EXCELLENT SERVICE you provided in the sale of our home in Trent Hills. We were very satisfied with the way the Sharon Male Real Estate Team kept us informed is in every aspect and gave great recommendations to make our home more saleable. It was Sharon Male & the advertising she does that lead us to list with Sharon. She worked diligently on the sale of our home. We would definitely recommend Sharon Male to all our friends and family. Thank you for a job very well done!"
Arthur & Beryl Camm

To: The Sharon Male Real Estate Team

"We would like to express our appreciation for the dedication the Sharon Male Real Estate Team showed during the sale of our home in Trent Hills. We were exceptionally satisfied with the Team. The Sharon Male Real Estate Team communicated and kept us informed at all times. The exceptional and extensive advertising Sharon does was what lead us to chose her. Overall, we were very satisfied with the performance. We would highly recommend this Team to anyone. Thank you!!!"
Waide & Judy Young